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Blog Posts
How can I ask it to generate new headlines ideas?
You cannot ask SEObot to generate more headline ideas directly because this process is complicated and takes a long time. However, if you have approved or declined all suggested headlines, SEObot will automatically suggest more headline ideas depending on your subscription plan, the number of available article credits, and your limit setting in Menu -Settings -Advanced. You will get an email notification as soon as new headline suggestions are available. I do not like suggested headlSome readersHow do I customize the content for articles in SEObot?
You can attach custom context to any headline that has a "Scheduled" status. Headlines receive this status when you approve a suggested headline or create a custom headline using the "+ Headlines" button. Note: It's recommended to turn off autopilot while editing context. Otherwise, SEObot may begin generating articles before you finish. Custom context can include: Facts and insights Additional useful information for the article Instructions about what should be included in or eFew readersHow to fix links in Related Posts section?
To fix incorrect links in the "Related Posts" section: Go to Menu -Settings -Advanced and adjust the " Blog URL Path Prefix" and " Blog URL Trailing Slash" fields. Go to Menu -Blog Sync Status and click the "Force Sync" button Wait for articles synchronization, it's a slow process and may take several minutes. URL path prefix and URL trailing slashFew readersHow to delete a generated article?
The feature to delete generated articles directly isn't available due to high generation costs. However, if you do not plan to publish a generated article, you can leave it unpublished in SEObot. This way, it won't be visible to your audience. Related topic: How to change an article's status from "draft" to "published"?Few readersHow can I regenerate an image for a blog post?
Currently, there's no direct feature to regenerate images due to cost reasons. This feature will likely be available in the future. However, you can adjust image settings by going to Menu -Settings -Images to configure image styles and achieve better output.Few readers
User Interface
How to change an article's status from "draft" to "published"?
To change an article's status, please follow these steps: Navigate to the Articles section using the "All Articles" button Click the toggle to switch from "Draft" to "Published" Important: Please manage all article statuses exclusively through the SEObot UI to ensure proper synchronization and avoid potential conflicts. How to see the full articles list? How to make an article "published"? (hSome readersHow do I see the full articles list?
Click the “All articles” button (icon in the top-right). That’s it - you’ll see every article in the list. All Articles ButtonFew readersWhat is the Auto-Publish?
The Auto-Publish setting controls how new articles are handled in SEObot. You can change it in Menu -Blog Sync Status. When enabled, new articles are automatically published to your CMS with a "published" status, eliminating the need for manual action. If disabled, articles are saved as "drafts" in your CMS, allowing you to review and manually publish them. This provides flexibility if you want full control over your content before it goes live. Auto-Publish Setting (httFew readersHow do I synchronize blog posts?
To sync your blog posts with the CMS: Open Menu -Blog Sync Status - there you can see synchronization status of your articles Click the "Force Sync" button. Note: This is a slow operation; use it only when necessary. Force Sync Blog PostsFew readersHow to remove a website from my account?
Currently, there is no option to remove a website from your account. However, you can request its removal in the support chat at To do this, you should: Log out from your SEObot account Provide the website domain for removalFew readersHow do I add another user?
To add another user: Ensure that your proper website is selected. Use Menu -Invite to add another user. Note: all SEObot users have equal permission levels, so they will be able to manage your website settings and invite other users.Few readersHow do I delete the cover image?
You can change your cover image in the SEObot editor using the button shown in the screenshot. However, you cannot delete it completely. Remove cover image buttonFew readers